An Exploration in Texture

Fairy Little started when I crocheted items for children to sell, I specialized in handmade booties that I designed, crocheted and sold. As time went on I was unable to crochet as it hurt my wrists and so I took a break.

After a four year break I decided I wanted to learn to knit. I knew the basics and wanted to get started. Because I had already been designing crocheted items I knew the basics of design and started knitting hats. Hats turned into sweaters, which turned into reading my first patterns. Then came reading charts and learning the art of lace knitting.

I once again fell in love with design, which led me to taking classes that centred on body shape, measurements and creating something from scratch that I would love. Around this time I began podcasting with my sister for fun in our spare time. Our first episode we did as a joke to see if we liked it, and we did.

As Scilla’s education became more involved and she had less time to record, she stepped away from the podcast and rooted for me from the sidelines. She is still my number one fan!

Alone and ready to podcast on my own, I began. I started designing here and there and learned a lot about creating a written pattern other creators could read and replicate.

I went through a very difficult time leaving a 15 year marriage and completely stopped podcasting and designing while I made huge life decisions while taking care of my girls, maintaining stability for them and safety was my number one priority.

On my own and ready to build from the ground up, I am designing again full-time and recording a knitting podcast and knitting tutorials to help anyone learn the basics. These tutorials build on skills with each new episode. I also have a Patreon page where I produce additional content where people can support the podcast directly each month and take advantage of all the additional bonuses for becoming a Patreon. Recently I have also opened a Fairy Little merchandise store through Spring where you can find many exciting items that are true to my brand.